The Heart-crack of Crisis: The Church of the Ecstatic Earth
Dom Bury, founder of the Church of the Ecstatic Earth, was one of the inspirational speakers at the Bigger Picture Opening Ceremony hosted by Sacred Earth Activism. During the ceremony, he shared a very moving poem, entitled “And the Earth shall bear again”, that resonated deeply with attendees, inspiring a sense of hope and possibility, with the message that “we are the Earth”.
The Church of the Ecstatic Earth holds a vision for bringing planetary emergency and spirituality together in the heart of community. "We are creating a number of spaces across the Earth for people to come gather in remembrance of ourselves as the earth and to create pathways towards activism sourced in the one-life of the planet."
This vision aligns with the vision of the Bigger Picture, which seeks to shift the narrative and consciousness in our efforts towards environmental change. It recognizes that we are not separate from the Earth and that we must work in harmony with the planet if we are to heal and regenerate the natural world. By creating spaces for people to gather and connect with the Earth and each other, the Church of the Ecstatic Earth is helping to bring this vision to life.
Dom also spoke about the plans for Earth Day, where the Church of the Ecstatic Earth will be holding the first trial of their movement. Continuing this, he explains, "On Earth Day we are going to be holding the first trial of the movement with several Ecstatic spaces upswelling across the globe." This movement is an invitation for people to come together, to reconnect with the Earth and each other, and to take action towards a regenerative future.
The Church of the Ecstatic Earth is not a traditional church in the sense that it is not based on dogma or religious doctrine. Instead, it is a space for people to gather and remember themselves as human beings connected to the Earth and the cosmos. "For us, stripped of dogma, the heart of what a church is, is a place to come and remember ourselves as human beings together, to reconnect with the earth and the cosmos and our place within it. It is a place of communing together and of celebrating life."
This sense of connection and celebration is at the heart of the Bigger Picture. The movement recognizes that we are all interconnected, and that the well-being of the planet is intricately linked to the well-being of all its inhabitants. By coming together and celebrating our connection to each other and the Earth, we can create a sense of community and a shared vision for a regenerative future.
The Church of the Ecstatic Earth is not alone in this vision. The Bigger Picture is part of a movement of movements, bringing together individuals and organizations from around the world who share a common vision for a more connected, regenerative, and sacred world. By working together and sharing our knowledge and experiences, we can amplify our impact and create positive change on a global scale.
At the heart of this is a recognition that the work we do is not just for ourselves or for future generations, but for the well-being of the entire planet. As the Church of the Ecstatic Earth says, "what our planetary environmental emergency is asking for is to remember that we are the Earth and choose to live, ecstatically, in remembrance of ourselves as a unique, pulsing cell of the whole Earth."
The Bigger Picture and the Church of the Ecstatic Earth are both calling for a shift in consciousness, a recognition that we are all connected and that our actions have a profound impact on the world around us. By coming together and creating spaces for connection and celebration, we can take the first steps towards a regenerative future.
If you feel called to be a part of the Church of the Ecstatic Earth, there are many ways to get involved. Visit the Church of the Ecstatic Earth's website, Instagram, or Facebook group to learn more about their work and upcoming events.