Ceremonialist Annie Spencer Lights the Way for the Bigger Picture

Annie Spencer, a ceremonialist and earth wisdom leader, helped set the tone and create sacred space as she led the opening and closing prayers for the Bigger Picture Opening Ceremony, hosted by Sacred Earth Activism.

Annie Spencer led a powerful invocation, lighting a sacred fire in her home and giving offerings to the flames to invite their blessings. This ancient tradition of calling in the spirits and ancestors creates a sacred space for ceremony and intention setting. Annie then invited us to remember the Children's Fire by lighting a candle, symbolizing the importance of putting future generations at the forefront of our actions and decisions. This act of remembrance was a reminder that we are not acting for ourselves alone, but for all life and future generations.

The Bigger Picture initiative is designed to bring together activists and organisers from around the world to explore ways to shift the narrative and consciousness towards a more regenerative and sacred world. The initiative aims to create a space for sharing ideas, inspiration, and vision, with a focus on centering the other-than-human beings and the wider web of life in our environmental activism.

If you or your group are planning events or actions that align with the Bigger Picture, no matter how big or small, please tell us here. We would love to learn more about what you are doing so that we can potentially highlight and amplify your work on our website and social media pages.


The Heart-crack of Crisis: The Church of the Ecstatic Earth


Bigger Than Ourselves: the Bigger Picture Opening Ceremony