1-16 April, 2022

A cycle of ceremony, held during the Extinction Rebellion April Rebellion in London, holding sacred space and ceremony, interwoven with the power of Water to carry all of our visions of a world beyond fossil fuels.

Sacred Earth Activism worked in collaboration with activist groups during the Extinction Rebellion April 2022 Rebellion in London to hold space for sacred activism, interweaved with the power of water to carry visions of a world beyond fossil fuels.

The Sacred Water Ceremony, Visions of a World Beyond Fossil Fuels, was a powerful and transformative event that brought together people from all over the country and world to focus their prayers and intentions for positive change in our world. The ceremony was held in conjunction with Extinction Rebellion's April 2022 Rebellion in London, which was a series of protests and direct actions organized by Extinction Rebellion to draw attention to the urgent need for action on the climate crisis.

At the New Moon, on April 1, 2022, sacred activists across the country were called to hold water ceremonies at rivers, wells, and the shore, in order to focus their prayers for positive change and connect with their Visions of a World Beyond Fossil Fuels. Those who were coming to join the Rebellion in London were asked to bring a jar of water with them.

On the opening day of the Rebellion, the Welcoming the Waters ceremony was held to welcome the waters brought from the regions, and combine them together in a central cauldron, acting as our Well of Visions. People were invited to bring flowers or fallen greenery to help create a decorative altar within the fountain space.

Throughout the Rebellion, there were daily offerings of visioning, somatic practice, mindfulness, and other regenerative practices to help all involved remain grounded and centered, and to maintain a connection with ourselves, with one another, and with the living world that we are standing to protect.

The cycle of ceremony and sacred action culminated in a Full Moon Ceremony on April 16, 2022. Activists gathered on the shores of the Thames, to release all of the visions and prayers to the river, asking that the flow of the Thames carry them out to sea, to join the world’s waters.

Overall, the cycle of ceremony and sacred action aimed to connect activists with the sacred and the Earth, bringing the power of spiritual practice into the web of change and supporting the movement for positive social and environmental transformation. It was a beautiful and powerful example of how ceremony and spiritual practice can be interwoven with activism to create a space for healing and transformation, and to connect people with the Earth and the sacred in a meaningful way.


To the wider Sacred Earth Activism Community,

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all those who participated in the Visions of a World Beyond Fossil Fuels cycle of ceremony with us in April 2022. Your presence, your prayers, your visionary offerings, and your active engagement to co-create a world beyond fossil fuels helped to make this event a powerful and transformative experience.

We are grateful to all those who joined us in London and around the world in holding water ceremonies, dreaming with us, and sharing practices for individual and collective action. Your contributions helped to create a powerful energetic field that will continue to resonate for years to come.

We are especially grateful to all those who shared their workshops and offerings throughout the event. Your wisdom and guidance helped to deepen our understanding of the power of sacred activism and how we can work together to create a sustainable, just, and equitable world.

Together, we envisioned a future beyond fossil fuels, where all life is valued and protected, where the sacred is honoured and integrated into our daily lives, and where we live in harmony with the natural world. With all of our continued support and engagement, this vision can become a reality.

Thank you for your commitment to sacred activism and to the healing of our planet. We are honored to be part of this community and look forward to continuing this journey together.

In gratitude and solidarity, The Sacred Earth Activism Team