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The Good Vibes Project at The Big One! Is based around principles globally collated and refined over the last 40 years by Elders both Western and indigenous, which seek to answer our deep and primal human need to belong.

These principles contain frameworks and qualities that reflect nature’s pattern language, and as such they represent an offering of what's needed for us to thrive together for our fullest potential in support of the bigger picture - sustaining all life.

From 21st April, the intention is to activate this good vibe throughout The Big One! 4-Day Mass Action in Westminster by inviting everyone attending to ‘host each other’.

The invitation is to do this by informally yet explicitly stepping into one of 8 ‘ways of being’ (the 8 ‘Connectors’):

1. Welcoming + Inclusion
2. Energising
3. Being Accountable
4. Taking Care
5. Story Catching and Celebration
6. Daily Reflection
7. Remembering the Bigger Picture
8. Inner Calm

As you can see, one of the Connector roles is specifically focussed on 'Remembering the Big Picture', resonant with the sacred activism of this platform, while the ‘Story Catching & Celebration’ Connector is asked to harvest interpersonal & relational connection in the spirit of Celebration.

Together we’ll be: -ensuring the ‘action space’ is co-held by as many folk as possible as possible, creating rippling vibes and amping our collective power -enabling each other to bring ourselves full-heartedly and feel safe enough to share our views, talents and energy -providing an extra support to our awesome Action Support crews

ULTIMATELY…..we are seeking to seed ‘ways of being’ at The Big One! that will grow through you and into your communities that will catalyse a benign human presence on our beautiful planet to flourish in the shortest window of time.

To learn more and choose your favourite Connector role, click here: Good

Vibes - Connecting Each Other!

Check out the Good Vibes Resource Kit here: Good Vibes Resource Kit

Watch of the Good Vibes Intro Video here: Good Vibes Intro Video

Collaborate with others, receive live updates and hear about relevant talks and trainings here: Good Vibes Telegram Chat

21 March

Bigger Picture - Opening Event

21 April

Water is Life Offering - London