Upcoming events.

The Big One>> Bigger than Ourselves>> The Bigger Picture>>
Our final part of the journey takes us to the River Thames where our co-created offering - made at the start of the Big One and carried through the biodiversity procession - is woven with the intentions, pledges, prayers and visions that speak through us and ceremoniously offered to the River; to the Waters of Life.
UNITE FOR NATURE - Earth Day Biodiversity March
Join a Biodiversity March and Rally to honour and respect all species endangered by this ecological crisis at home and around the globe, and explore solutions through regenerative practice, ecocide law and Citizens Assemblies.
Church of the Ecstatic Earth
Church of Ecstatic Earth is a living, breathing organism that aims to bring planetary emergency and spirituality together in the heart of community. On Earth Day we are going to be holding the first trial of the movement with several Ecstatic spaces upswelling across the globe. You can find out more about how to get involved at our movement communication channels below.

The Water Wide Web invites you, once more, to honour the Waters together this time it is to mend what is torn in the fabric of the living web by making PRAYER ARROWS

Water is Life Offering - London
Co - create an offering to the River Thames and Water of Life..
As the start of the Big One, Bigger than Ourselves we open to our wider nature as part of the Bigger Picture - sustaining all life.

From 21st April, the intention is to activate this good vibe throughout The Big One! 4-Day Mass Action in Westminster by inviting everyone attending to ‘host each other’. The invitation is to do this by informally yet explicitly stepping into one of 8 ‘ways of being’

Bigger Picture - Opening Event
Join us for the online opening event of the Bigger Picture, an initiative aimed at highlighting events and actions that focus on our interconnection with all life and look to shift our consciousness towards this Bigger Picture.