Resisting the Destruction of the Sacred - World Unity Week

Sacred Earth Activism recently took part in World Unity Week, a hugely ambitious online coming together of global change-makers. Its mission was to “connect, celebrate and advance the emerging good unfolding in the world”.

Our co-founders, Christa Mackinnon and Jonathan Weekes, gave an update on the Stonehenge resistance campaign and showed a film of the movement and actions around Stonehenge.

As we know, the proposed £1.7bn road tunnel puts at grave risk this area, with its many sacred sites and potentially half a million ancient artifacts, as well as the stone circle itself. ‘Artifacts’ pointed out Jonathan includes the bodies and belongings of our ancestors as it was a sacred site for thousands of years.

The threat has also been recognised by UNESCO, with its warning that Stonehenge could lose its World Heritage status. 

Christa and Jonathan explained how Sacred Earth Activism is working alongside the other groups seeking to save this ancient landscape, some of which have been active for decades.

Many groups came together in December 2020 for a mass trespass. Sacred Earth Activism was part of this, to hold ceremony there, to honour and respect the ancestors of the stones and the spirits of the circle and wider landscape.

This grounding complements the activities of all of the other groups, Jonathan pointed out. “There are different groups focusing on different levels,” including those heading the legal challenges and fighting the environmental impact to this rare chalk down habitat.

Visioning, prayer and deep listening has resulted in ceremonies and actions being woven into the other actions. This includes lunar ceremonies, with groups gathering on every new and full moon to call on the strength and guidance of the ancestors to bring their support to the efforts.

A ’clootie’ prayer ribbon action, based on this long tradition in Britain and Ireland, has allowed supporters from around the world to give their prayers to the land, particularly on the proposed route.

Sacred Earth Activism ignited the 2021 sacred Solstice Fire ceremonially at Stonehenge, taking it from Stonehenge to London to support the court action, brought by the Save Stonehenge World Heritage Site (SSWHS), with a vigil outside the court. The vigil, which attracted much coverage, took place at the same time as World Unity Week, bridging the sacred and the physical dimensions.

Whilst we still await the court ruling on the SSWHS-led case, which will give the direction for further actions, the Sacred Earth Activism team, just as the legal and direct action teams, uses “all of the skills and tools that we have to bring energy and strength to the campaigns”.

To view the full World Unity Week video conversation as well as clips and images from the various action, see below.


Stonehenge Safe as Judge Rules Road and Tunnel Development Unlawful


Solstice sacred fire ceremony to support High Court challenge against Stonehenge destruction